wishlist exotic pets

siberian wolf! awwh so adorable..!! :D

this is "smiling quockka" :D awwhh look at it's smile..! so adorable..! i don't even know so much about this animal.. i knew it from my boyfriend.. he told me to google for this name.. awwhh.. so cute!

maine coon :D

red fox..! so sexy and smart..! awwwhh.. :D
occay, in Muslim we can't pet this pet :( cuz it's a mix blood from an Australian Cattle dog and a wolf.. but it looks like a lion too :O

OMGOMGOMG! i love this creature...! siberian husky dog+wolf+fox..! awwwhhh sayangg i want this..!! look at the way it stares u..! OMG so hot <3


Aaaaauummmmm...!!! ;D

kenyanggggg!! burppp..!

lapar lagi laa... :(

okay i know i shouldn't post this pix but she makes me laugh at her.. hahaha.. and all the captions were made by me and myslef.. hahaha..! sory dear anonymous ;P